[EXCLUSIVE] Yossi Green Vistory: Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Kel Odoin
![[EXCLUSIVE] Yossi Green Vistory: Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Kel Odoin](https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Zeidy-Berish-Collection-5-870x950_c.jpg)
Yossi Green Vistory
Shabbos with Zeidy Berish
ניגוני ר’ בעריש ווישעווער, זצ”ל
Recently, Yossi Green released the sixth single (the seventh song) of the “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish” series. The Shabbos with Zeidy Berish Project is getting closer to completion, B”H.
What began as a dream of Vintage Historical Preservation of precious songs composed by a Tzaddik for Tzaddikim from a previous generation and whose life and the lives of most of his family were brutally ended by the Nazi’s Y”S, in 1944, is slowly becoming more of a reality with every track produced, B”H.
This new single “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Keil Odoin” is the seventh in a series of a new project called “Yossi Green Vistory.” Vistory, Yossi tells us, stands for “Vintage Music History” and marks the beginning of a new endeavor on his part to produce, present and thereby preserve some of the most precious and beautiful songs of the previous generations so that they be readily available for our generation, as well as future generations to come, IY”H.
The first single in the series was released in August, 2010 and is called “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Boruch Hashem Yom Yom” arranged by Mendy Hershkowitz featuring guest soloist Shlomo Simcha.
The second was released in 2011 and was called “Zeidy Berish – Ma Yedidus Menuchoseich” arranged by Yisroel Lamm featuring guest soloist Yossi Green.
The third single was released in 2012 and was called Zeidy Berish – Loy SayVoyshi arranged by Ruvi Banet featuring guest soloist the Shira Choir.
The fourth was released at the wedding of Yossi’s son in 2013 and titled Zeidy Berish – Shalom Aleichem arranged by Leib Yakov Rigler featuring guest soloist Issac Honig.
More recently the fifth single which was a double was entitled Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Azamer Beshvochin”>Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Azamer & Asader arranged by the talented Shua Fried featuring guest soloist Shragee Gestetner.
The name of this current single is “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Keil Odoin.” It was composed for the venerated Satmarer Rebbe, R’ Yoel Teitelbaum, Zatzal….
In an effort to produce a series with as much variety and color as possible, Yossi is involving many different music professionals in the Vistory project. This time the song is being arranged by the talented Moshe Laufer who is one of the most important and prolific orchestral interpreters of Jewish Music in our generation and has worked together with Yossi from the very beginning of their careers as Yossi was producing his own hit compositions for the likes of MBD, Fried, Dedi, Dudu, Ohad, Shwekey, etc.
As with the previous songs in this series, the vocals on this new single, Keil Odoin are done by the Vishever Voices (Yossi, Shhhhhh) paired masterfully with the Vishever Violins. As is Yossi’s time honored practice of Hachnosas Orchim in this project, he has once again invited a guest to sing with him. This time he chose the Chassidic soloist Shloime Cohen from Israel.
Click PLAY below to hear the song Kel Odoin
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Who is this Zeidy Berish?
Zeidy Berish is none other than Reb Dov Berish Halevi Horowitz, Zatzal, otherwise known throughout pre-war Europe as R’ Berish Vishever on account of his having lived in the city called Vishov in what was then Hungary. R’ Berish was one of the most wellknown composers of Chassidic music in Eastern Europe before World War II. He composed songs for many of the Chassidic dynasties in the Austro-Hungarian part of Europe. There are many stories and legends told about him. One of these is that R’ Berish, (some say that he could have been a Rebbe in his own right) after meeting and getting to know a Rebbe for the first time, would sense and understand the nuances of his Derech in Avodas Hashem and would then compose a song representing and reflecting this individuality. He would then have it written up (obviously, there were no recording devices readily available at the time) and sent as a gift to the individual Rebbe. It is further said that R’ Berish would develop a strong connection and relationship with these Tzaddikim who would then ask him to compose songs for specific times and occasions through the years. These songs would go on to become those that the Chassidim, and eventually the rest of the Chassidic world, would sing everywhere.
Tragically, in 1944 at Auschwitz toward the end of World War II, R’ Dov Berish Halevi Horowitz, Zatzal, perished together with most of the members of his family as well as the other Jewish people of his city, Vishov. Hashem Yinkom Domom.
Yossi Green says that it was the music and songs of “Zeidy Berish,” which he heard at his father’s table and in the Shuls he attended as a young impressionable child, that created within him the drive and stimulation that would later inspire him to compose and set the world aflame with his own music.
The first song in the Vistory series, “Boruch Hashem Yom Yom” was in fact a Nigun which R’ Berish sent to the Satmarer Rebbe, R’ Yoel Teitelbaum, Zatzal as a Vechoil Maminim which the Chassidim then changed the lyrics to Boruch Hashem Yoim Yoim making it singable at the Shabbos table. The second song in the series was a Nigun R’ Berish sent to the Ahavas Yisroel – Vizhnitzer Rebbe, R’ Yisroel Hager, Zatzal as a Mizmoir Ledovid for Shalosh Seudos. Yossi arranged this one into a Ma Yedidis due to its length and great depth. It is a Nigun of immense Dveikus transporting the listener to a time in pre-world war years.
This series is being done with the support of some of the surviving grandchildren, which is the reason it is so named. The “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish” series will, IY”H, include a series of his songs arranged to the words of Shabbos Zemiros & Tefillos followed by a full length CD and book when completed.
While the project is still in the form of “singles” they will NOT be available in all stores. At this time they can be purchased in Williamsburg at Lee Avenue Photo on Lee Avenue corner Ross Street.
Yossi has just begun work on the next song in the series, “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Aishes Chayil.”
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