by yossi | September 22, 2008 10:51 am
Rabbi Shimon Bar Yocahi Saved His Life
Tal Halevi was always on the musical side of life; however the tradition to compose only began after series of events. He had been taken captive by the terrible disease known as Malaria, and the chances of him surviving it were slim. On his sickbed he dreamed of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai and then, later when he recovered he investigated this great Tzaddik’s history which resulted in him beginning his journey on the path to do Teshuva.
Tal HaLevi, 38 years old, is a capable and talented musician, who brings to light his first album Halleluka. Which for days became his best friend as he, wrote most of his lyrics, melodies and tunes for this album. The rest of the text came from several other mekoros. The music of the Halevi family is varied and diverse and most of its styles have transformed the album into something special and interesting to listen to. The album contains 14 tracks and includes rhythms of Reggae, Rock and even a touch of the Middle East. The rhythms change as the music flows, and the choice of lyrics and emotions behind them lead the album to become full of something that can only be described as Jewish energy.
This being his debut album and Tal coming from a different and special perspective, it was decided that the marketing strategy for such an album would need to be different as well. It is unconventional to say the least however, the plan is in order to connect to the album only after the consumer receives the disc will Tal receive payment. Tal has complete faith that the potential buyers will send him the compensation through return mail, once they have established a connection with the music.
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