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FLICKERING FLAME by Takshivu להבה מהבהבת- A Project

FLICKERING FLAME by Takshivu להבה מהבהבת- A Project

The neshama (soul) is like a flame. Sometimes that flame flickers and threatens to be extinguished. It is the beautiful experiences that we have in our yiddishkeit that can help us through these difficult times.

Song written, composed, and produced by: TAKSHIVU and Menachem Vinger
Guitars by: Menachem Vinger
Keys by: Dov Samuels
Bass by: Dan G.
Video presented by Rabbi Benzion Klatzko (
Video coneceptualized, filmed, edited, and colored by Dovid Lavon (Lavonafilm Productions)
Production Assistant: Yoni Broder is the world’s largest Jewish social network, an organization consisting of a global social media platform and app that assists people to find places for Shabbos, Shidduchim, Jobs, and Chevrusas. is active in 200 countries. 

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