by yossi | December 23, 2017 8:49 am
At the Davidson Center at the foot of the Western Wall, the world’s largest Jewish wedding ceremony took place this past weekend. A huge “My Tours” production under the direction of producer Jeff Busidan who turned the area of ancient stones into a prestigious and glamorous compound, costing hundreds of thousands of Shekels. From the spectacular flower arrangements to the delicate cloth sofas, and to the special symphony orchestra which was the highlight of the event.
No less than 50 musicians composed the symphony orchestra that accompanied the event, conducted by Maestro Gershon Friestat. Artists from all ends of the Jewish music spectrum converged on one stage, with the greatest and best Jewish singers in the world: Avraham Fried, Itzik Dadya, Cantor Dov Heller, Ben Snuf and the ensemble “FDD Vocal“.
World renowned singer Avraham Fried delivered a beautiful hauntingly rendition of the famed nigun Dalet Bavot, alongside the song “Melech Malchei Hamlachim” in a special version which included a duet with Itzik Dadya. Ben Snuf‘s “Shir Mirakia“, alongside an exciting duet by cantor Dov Heller and Vocal‘s to Carlebach’s “Mimkomcha” – a complete and complex musical mosaic that combined styles from all edges, and all under the production of David Fadida.
After the uplifting Chupah, the guests continued to the wedding ceremony held in a special designed hall in Binyanei Ha’uma. There, among the giant chandeliers hanging over the tables, and the velvet curtains that surrounded the compound, in the center of the hall stood proudly a white circular stage and just like at the Chupah, stood a huge musical ensemble by Maestro Gershon Friestat who accompanied the giants of Jewish music from all over the world.
In a rare and unique event, the two kings of Hasidic music, Avraham Fried and Mordechai Ben David, joined together on one stage, accompanied by Itzik Dadya and the French superstar Amir Hadad. The amazing “baalei Hamenagnim” choir added their special touch to the evening And of course, the Jewish-Irish violinist Daniel Ahaviel, raised the hall with special instrumental pieces as only he knows.
After a full evening, full of tremendous performances by each of the singers, they all gathered together for an exciting and historic Kumzitz together with MBD, Fried and Itzik Dadya. The best songs and hits of all time, in a special performance, that only great voices like these can achieve.
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