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Gad Elbaz Hosts Pirchei Yerusolayim For The New Single/Music Video “Zeh Hayom”

Gad Elbaz Hosts Pirchei Yerusolayim For The New Single/Music Video “Zeh Hayom”

When they met, the velvety voice of Gad Elbaz combined with that of the Pirchei Yerusolayim, resulted in this amazingly new Chuppa song which will be featured on the upcoming wedding project album to be released in the near future.

Gad Elbaz is huge and respected singer with amazing vocal abilities, couple that together with his years of experience and appearances around the world.

Legendary composer and producer Rudy Perez who has produced/worked with some of the greatest singers in the secular world like; Cristina Aguilera, Beyonce, Enrique Iglesias, Michael Bolton, has dubbed Gad Elbaz asa the “Voice of Israel”. Soon the full album in English and Spanish will be released.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Gad ElbazPirchei YerusolayimRudy PerezZeh Hayom

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