Gil Neger & Mendy Jerufi With A Message To The Israeli Government “B’nei Ami”
About three months ago the Israeli government decided to make a new law enforcing a draft on Bnei Yeshiva.
The popular radio station of Ami Mimon turned to its listeners to write words for a song that would express the thoughts of the community that spends its days in the tents of Torah and on the connection between those who are shomer Torah U’Mitzvos and those who aren’t yet. More than 3500 faxes and responses came back. Renowned lyricist and composer Dovid Zigman wrote and composed the text that was chosen from thousands of possibilities, and he got Mendy Jerufi and Gil Nagar to sing it.
Production was done by Shai Reuveni.
Distribution was done by Eitan Still
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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