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Habita Unplugged Performed by Shloime Kaufman

Habita Unplugged Performed by Shloime Kaufman

Message from Shloime Kaufman:

Hi everyone!

I hope you enjoy the first installment of some “unplugged” studio covers to be released over the coming weeks.

This track is one I had the honor of recording back in 2009 as featured on Avodas Tzedaka. Habita was composed by Yossi Muller and originally starred A.K.A. Pella. The music and vocals were performed live accompanied by my friend Ruli Ezrachi!

Please feel free to share, comment and of course make suggestions on some new material you would like me to cover.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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1 comment

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  1. Hillel
    Hillel 22 October, 2015, 20:25

    where is the play button, or the link??

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