Hershey Eisenbach “Halevai Alai”

Who wouldn’t want to have a rich, strong and successful father – a father who would give them a sense of empowerment and security in life? So it is… that we all have a Father like that!
In a new and catchy song “Halevai Alai” and through a clip in the concept of a “comic” – the first of its kind and especially colorful, Hershey illustrates for us the optimistic message of Emunah and Hashgacha Pratis. It will make you run away from worries too…
“I wish I had a father like that!”
Concept and singing: Hershey Eisenbach
Composition and lyrics: Yossi Fried
Musical production: Mendy Lipsker, Tuli Lipsker
Editing, design, animation and artificial intelligence: Mendelsohn Media Representation: Israel Hirschman
Public relations: BaFront
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