The Hit Song “Lo Nafsik Et Ha’Simcha” by Baryo Introduced to the World of Acappella

Although once the month of Av begins, happiness should be tuned down, though we don’t stop it completely!
One of the songs that is being played nonstop in Radio Stations in Israel & worldwide, is the hit song “Lo Nafsik Et HaSimcha” (We’re Not Going To Stop The Happiness) by the singer & producer Baryo Hakshur.
With respect to the spirit of the Three Weeks, in order to never stop the happiness, Baryo produced a special acappella version of the Hit Song together with the talented musician Daniel Yishay who participated in the vocal productions and special sounds.
Baryo’s friends tell us this new special version was already “adopted” by one of the Summer Camps in the USA as their official summer camp song. Also, this new version was introduced to the vocal band A.K.A Pella in the USA, who are the leading band of the acappella genre. They were excited and impressed by it.
Coming Soon… more surprises with this new Hit Song.
Enjoy Listening! We pray that Moshiach will come very soon so that we can listen together to the Original Musical Version.
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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Lyrics: Baal Shem Tov
Music & Singing: Baryo Hakshur
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