In Honor of “Hakel 5776” Yochai Kfir Presents: ‘Ashreinu’ Moetzet & Avremi Roth

During the course of the Simcha of the Pramishlan family, singer and composer Yishai Lapidot was inspired to the song Ashreinu which accompanied the Mitzvah Tantz of the Admor and the Chosson. The niggun came from the Chabad chassidus.
Lapidot included the members of the Moetzet Hashirah Hayehudit, as well as Chazzan Avremi Roth, and in honor of Succos and the Hakhel ceremony which will take place on Chol Hamoed, Producer Yochai Kfir is releasing the single Ashreimu, arranged by Adi Netaneli.
The Moetzet will perform throughout Israel on Chol Hamoed. On the third at the Kol Ha’olam festival in Rechovot, on the fourth day in the afternoon at the Simchat Beit Ha’Shoeiva in Chevron, and that evening in Netanya. On the fifth day in the afternoon at the Hakhel ceremony in Kfar Saba, and in the evening at the historic concert of the Ichud Hatzalah, together with Avraham Fried and Yaakov Shwekey in Binyanei Ha’Umah.
Production: Yochai Kfir
Composition: Chabad
Arrangement: Adi Netaneli
Musical Production: Yishai Lapidot and Adi Netaneli
PR: Media Pro
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