Ido Portal Releases A New Album

Ido Portal is a 26 year old singer from a Yishuv in Binyamin and works in High-Tech. He is already well-known in the music world for his hit album “Shimah B’koli”. However, after the hype from his first album died down, he decided to get married and start his family. For four years, songs gelled and came together in his head and now he has returned. Portal recorded 11 songs, the majority of them are original, and some are covers of older songs.
His musical dreams actualized already from a young age, when he composed and produced a number of original songs with his cousin.
This album “Hineni” will show off Portal to be a promising young musical star. Ido did the majority of the work on the album himself, with just the finishing touches done by Amit Ben Atar.
The album is available as a FREE download on Ido’s website by clicking HERE.
Click PLAY below to hear Ohr BeChoshech off the new album
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