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Ilu Finu – New Album By Rabbi Yehoshua Liff

Ilu Finu – New Album By Rabbi Yehoshua Liff

A new taste of hearty yeshivishe niggunim, to lift the spirit and warm the soul!

Ilu Finu is the title of this second album from Rabbi Yehoshua Liff, authentic compositions with a twist of R’ Shlomo, similar in style to niggunim by Rav Shmuel Brazil.

Rabbi Liff‘s niggunim have been enjoyed and sung over the years by many talmidim. His compositions are known to be true to the meaning of the words, bringing out the feeling in pesukim and tefillos.

After many requests for them to be recorded, this volume brings forth some of these uplifting melodies. Ten tracks plus a bonus track – Malchuscha – are presented.

Talmidim and friends join with Rabbi Liff as guest singers to make these wonderful songs truly memorable.
As fitting to the title, may we be zoche to find our true voices and thank the Ribono Shel Olam for all that He bestows upon us!

The album is available for purchase on

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Ilu FinuRabbi Yehoshua Liff

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