Introducing The Hit Duo From Johannesburg “Derech Achim”

Introducing a new and exciting duo from Johannesburg, South Africa named “Derech Achim.” The group is comprised of two brother in laws, Reuven Garber, and Jared Lazarus. The vision of Derech Achim is to compose music that first moves your soul before it moves your body, using a diverse palette of musical genres not traditionally explored in the Jewish music world.
The duo has just released their first single of their upcoming debut album to be titled “Mayim Rabim.” The song, Im Eshkachech, is usually sung in a more somber tune to remind us of the destruction of our holy Beis Hamikdash. The vision of this song is to rather create a hopeful feeling of joy, yearning and anticipation for the rebuilding of our holy temple – speedily in our days. Im Eshkacheich was released with a music video featuring some of beautiful scenery and everyday life in the holy land. For more on and updates of the upcoming album, follow their Facebook page or YouTube Chanel.
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