Introducing: Yitzchak Fuchs & Friends – Miyad Nigalim

An incredible and deeply involved production of three years in the making is finally done: composer and singer Yitzchak Fuchs met with two of the up and coming musical people in America, Yossi Rubin and Zevy Fried (from the Shira Choir), and together they decided to release a unique album.
Rubin brought in some of the best people for the album, including Eli Klein, Yitzy Berry, and Nachman Tzuker, Dovid Haller, and international violinist Shimi Veitzlender, with special arrangements.
Zevi Fried also included a wonderchild of only 9 years old, with a beautiful and sweet voice, a Satmar boy by the name of Avrumi Green. As soon as Fried heard him singing on Shabbos in the country, he immediately got excited by his voice, and hurried to put him into the Shira Choir.
Click PLAY below to hear the track Kolot
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