Issac Honig, Israel Adler, Shira Choir & Orot Orchestra Conducted By Shia Barim In A New “Hadran” In Honor Daf Yomi Siyum For Maseches Shabbos

Issac Honig, Yisrael Adler, the Shira choir, and Orot band with master Orchestrator Shea Brim present a new Hadran for the Siyum of Maseches Shabbos in the Daf Hayomi program.
With the dazzling production of Effect events, an evening was held l’chvoda shel Torah with the attendance of Gedolei Yisrael and Beitar residents, featuring chassidic music maestros Yisrael Adler and Issac Honig and the Shira choir from the U.S. to celebrate the Siyum Hashas in Beitar, arranged by Beitar mayor Rabbi Meir Rubinestein on 11 Teves 5780.
To the sound of a deafening applause, the music artists ascended the stage and performed the evening’s presentation “Hadran,” based on the prayer recited at the Siyum of a Maseches. This exceptional song, enhanced with a smattering of Yiddish expressions, was composed and written by Yisrael Adler.
R’ Shea Brim, who created the musical background with his Orot orchestra, wrote a rich and precise musical arrangement for Hadran, and orchestrated the performance to perfection.
We present this masterpiece in honor of the Siyum on Maseches Shabbos.
Follow Yisroel Adler end Shira Choir
Melody: Yisrael Adler
Director: Issac Honig – U.S., Yisrael Adler
Voices: Shira choir- U.S.
Musical Arrangement and orchestrator: Shea Brim
Band: Orot
Production: Effect
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