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Itzik Dadya, Yishai Lapidot, Gad Elbaz, Yonatan Shainfeld & Daniel Ahaviel in Concert + more

Itzik Dadya, Yishai Lapidot, Gad Elbaz, Yonatan Shainfeld & Daniel Ahaviel in Concert + more

For the High Holy Days Itzik Dadya will be appearing in Tel Aviv
Appearing with him for this special evening will be Yishai Lapidot, Gad Elbaz, Yonatan Shainfeld and Daniel Ahaviel.

The show will take place two days before Rosh Hashana on 26/09/11. A week before the show, Itzik will release a NEW song called “Adam” that will be a duet with Gad Elbaz.

The lyrics of the song are from Yomim Noroim “Adam yesodo meyofor vesofo leofor,”. Get your tickets to the show quickly because when you do they will take down your email address and send you this song FREE!

Itzik Dadya is also releasing this remix version of his last hit “Lashir MeHanshama.”
Click PLAY below to hear the song

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