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Itzik Eshel – Kir Echad – New Singel

Itzik Eshel – Kir Echad – New Singel

Singer and composer Itzik Eishel is releasing a beautiful and emotional new single, called Kir Echad, dedicated to the Kotel in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh. The lyrics were written by Katrine Bracha, composed, arranged, and produced by Amos Cohen.

Itzik said: “Difficult and complicated days are facing Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael, every moment were hearing about intense terror attacks, and specifically now we need to continue to guard over our holy places, just like R’ Yitzchak Yosef said recently, to cry out to Hashem with powerful Tefillos.”

Click PLAY below to hear the single

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Tags assigned to this article:
Amos CohenItzik EshelKatrine BrachaKir Echad

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