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JI EXCLUSIVE! Baruch Levine – Touched By A Niggun – Cover & Sampler

JI EXCLUSIVE! Baruch Levine – Touched By A Niggun – Cover & Sampler

What do you get when you take a world renowned author and multi talented singer/composer? Touched by a Niggun. Baruch Levine teamed up with Rabbi Yechiel Spero author of Touched by a Story, Prayer etc. to create a very unique type of album. The album, which is entitled “Touched by a Niggun” will features the compositions and vocals of Baruch Levine to lyrics based on the stories from Rabbi Spero’s. The album produced by Yochi Briskman features background vocals from Eli Schwebel and Gadi Fuchs of Lev Tahor. Pre-Order now from by clicking HERE

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1 comment

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  1. bukin86
    bukin86 30 November, 2009, 19:36

    I usually cringe at english Jewish music but R’ Baruch Levine has made it amazing to listen to for once!

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