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[JMR] Jewish Music at 50,000 Feet

[JMR] Jewish Music at 50,000 Feet

8th Note Big Icon

In a landmark event for the Jewish music business, a mainstream Jewish album took the skies today for possibly the first time ever, as British Airways began featuring Yossi Green’s 8th Note as one of the selections on their in flight entertainment system.   Much of the credit goes to London’s Chaim Feld of Feld Music Productions, a frequent British Airways traveler who contacted the airline requesting music to accommodate the airline’s many Jewish customers.  After submitting songs from various artists including Lipa Schmeltzer, Ohad, Chaim Yisrael, Shloime Taussig , Shloime Gertner, in addition to songs from the 8th Note, the decision was made to carry Yossi Green’s 8th Note album in its entirety.  Both Twitter and Facebook have been buzzing as Jewish music fans on both sides of the Atlantic spread the news of this exciting news.

In an ironic turn of events, Yossi Green is currently in London, performing at tonight’s Siyum Hashas made by the members of Bais Hamedrash Ohr Chodosh, headed by Dayan Gelley, Shlita.

Green was clearly overwhelmed after seeing photos of the on flight entertainment menu screen, listing 8th Note as one of the choices.

“Imagine that I have this show, here on this night in London,” said Green from the Siyum at The VIP Lounge in the Edgeware section of London.  ”I might not have had any reason to fly British Air in the next five months and would have had to rely on hearsay to see this.”   Instead, Green who will be flying back to New York on British Airways at the end of the week, will be able to see his album on the in flight entertainment screen with his own eyes.

As for Chaim Feld, he is proud that all his efforts paid off. .

“Both Yossi Green and I would like to thank everyone on Facebook and Twitter who helped spread this exciting news.”

[source JMR]

Photo Credit:  Just Perfect Design

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  1. ls
    ls 24 June, 2014, 16:12

    Hundreds of children and their families boarded the luxurious Atlantis ship, for Misameach’s one-of-a-kind annual cruise, held this Sunday.

    The cruise, which eagerly anticipated by every Misameach child for months, brought together families united by the common bond of illness for an afternoon of inspiration, entertainment and relaxation.

    The event featured noted figures on the Jewish music scene Mordechai ben David, Yidel Werdyger and Yoni Zeigelbaum, accompanied by the Freilich band. The team kept the audience on their feet, singing, dancing and clapping, with unwavering ruach.

    With the live music holding court on the first floor, the second floor was dedicated to the young children, with projects, goodies and more to keep the children entertained.

    A hot lunch buffet was served to all attendees and gift bags were distributed as a souvenir of this memorable experience.

    The greatest souvenir, though, is inevitably the memories and the smiles that the attendees will carry with them, for a very long time to come.

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