“KAVEI” A new song! Composed and Sung by ELI BEER

by yossi | February 25, 2020 6:35 am

Produced by Eli Beer
Composed and Sung: (all vocals) by Eli Beer
Musical and Vocal Arrangements: by Eli Beer
Recorded And Mixed By C Lanzbom @ “Sherwood Ridge” Pomona NY
2nd Guitar C Lanzbom
Drums: Dovid Orlansky

Video Production:
Filmed by Chaim Bhatia
Edit: Dori Prior

A Special thank you to my dear friends featured:
Mendy Weinreb
Moshe Kravits
JJ Eisenberger
Yossi Levin
Betzalel Levin-aka “B Luvin”
Ari Goldberg
Azi Steiner
Larry Lehrfield

Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/kavei-song-composed-sung-eli-beer/