Ki Lo Yidach – Yosef Zev Braver & Yanki Cohen
Yosef Zev Braver, who is not only an exceptional singer and performer, but a certified youth and parent coach, has teamed up with arranger Yanki Cohen to produce this breathtaking clip that was filmed in the Judean Desert, entitled “Ki Lo Yidach” – Hashem will leave no one behind. This is an especially important message before Yom Kippur, to tell us all that here’s no despair in the world for Hashem is our ever-most loving and forgiving Father in Heaven.
The lyrics are:
Ki lo yidach mimeno nidach – (Hebrew for “Hashem will leave no one behind”).
Veil ven a Yid falt aveck, falt ehr arup Tzum Abishter’s hant (Yiddish for “When a Jew falls away, he falls right into Hashem’s hand”).
Mimcha – fun Dir (Hebrew and Yiddish for “from You”)
Ailecha – Tzu Dir (Hebrew and Yiddish for “to You”)
Evrach (Hebrew for “I shall flee” – in other words, whenever I’m in trouble or whenever I fall, I shall flee to You, Hashem, for You promised that no one will be left behind).
The video was sponsored by
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