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Ki Onu Amecho: Erez Leiv Ari Sings To The Lubavitch Rebbee

Ki Onu Amecho: Erez Leiv Ari Sings To The Lubavitch Rebbee

In the world of Chassidus the 19th of Kislev is considered the Chag Ha’Geulah, its almost even a Rosh Hashana for Chassidus. According to Chassidic lore, it is the anniversary of the redemption of the original Lubavitcher Rebbe from jail in Russia. However, it has since transformed into a festive day for Jews of all types and backgrounds.

The organization Torat Chabad Libnei Hayeshivot which will host its celebratory event for the fifth year in a row in Binyanei Ha’uma in Yerushalayim, expects to break its record with over 30,000 people in attendance. There will be shiurim throughout the day on Chassidus, as well as a sale on Chassidic seforim. At the end of the day will be a special concert from Avraham Fried singing Chabbad Niggunim.

Also, there will be a new album sold at a low price specially for the event, called Tzamah. On the album is featured artists such as Shuli Rand, Evyatar Banai, Ariel Zilber, Erez Leiv Ari, Aharon Razel, and more. Naor Karmi produced the album.

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