Chaim Y. Goldman Presents: “Koili Shima” featuring the Camp Shalva Choir

Chaim Y. Goldman son of the famed R’Moshe Goldman a”h just release a brand NEW single in honor of Yomim Noroim. The single entitled “Koili Shima“, features the words Pinei LeElbon which are from Davening on Yom Kipur night>. Chaim composed the song this past Erev Yom Kipur.
Koili Shima also features the world renown Camp Shalva Boys Choir with music arranged by Chaim Y. Goldman himself.
As a gift to our visitors Chaim Y. Goldman is offering a FREE download of this new single PLUS an alternate version.
Click HERE to download the song FREE.
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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