KudshaBrichu – Shlepping Nachas – Song By Dov Shurin

Song by: Dov Shurin
Performed by: Shlepping Nachas
Song recorded & produced at: Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry
Cinematography: Shmuel Unger
Special thanks to Miriam Kohn Souza, Yaakov Babani and crew
Directed and edited : Shlepping Nachas
Filmed in the Arava desert
Guitar: Nachman Helbitz
Bass: Nachman Helbitz, Mitch Friedman
Flute: Dor Asraf
Ode to the back of the van in marine park where skilly recorded vocals
Phone call conception : Minglewood Studios
A tremendous thank you to our sponsors and to all our supporters!
We love you guys!
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