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The Kumzitz featuring; Shimmy Goldstein, Yoely Lebovits & Beri Weber

The Kumzitz featuring; Shimmy Goldstein, Yoely Lebovits & Beri Weber

The Kumzitz

An evening for men, bocharim & boys

Who want to enjoy a special “spiritual” evening, a kumzits together with the best heimishe singers

Doors open @ 7:00pm Kumzits startys @ 7:30pm

Thursday July 22nd, 2010

Program of the Event:
Divrei pesicha by Mechanech Rav, Pinchas Rosenberg

Who is going to be there:
World renown singer/composer Beri Weber

Who else?
the Peste Rebbe Yoely Lebovits & Shimmy Goldstein with the L’chaim Choir

Kinloss Gardens Hall, N3 3DU

Only £18

Who is going to play?
The one and only Shiele Osterlitz & Guitars

For tickets and more info please call LYS Productions: 07972 795 097
or visit
Limited placed – tickets must be pre-booked

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