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Leiby Moskowitz With A New Single “Ven Einer Veint” In Light Of The Tragedy In Miron

Leiby Moskowitz With A New Single “Ven Einer Veint” In Light Of The Tragedy In Miron

An unedited raw demo of a latest composition, that I felt I need to release, because tragically too many can relate.

My heart goes out to everyone in Meron.

The family members of those who won’t be coming home tonight.
To those whose family members will take time to recover.
For all those people there, who witnessed this horrible tragedy.
For all those first responders running to the scene to do their best work.
Such a horrible tragedy, I don’t have any more words than to say I’m heartbroken from the news – like many of us are.
Listen. Be Inspired. Say Tehillim. Spread the Love. Moshiach is Closer than we think.

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Leiby MoskowitzVen Einer Veint

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