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The Long Awaited BARYO 2 Is Almost Here!

The Long Awaited BARYO 2 Is Almost Here!

After working tirelessly to refine and enhance it, singer and composer Baryo Chakshur is releasing soon his new album “Baryo 2“. In the album are songs from some of the best of Baryo’s special styles, wedding dance songs. As a bonus, Baryo has included in the album his hit song “Nafla Ateret Rosheinu“, in a special piano arrangement version. (There will also be a music video for this song, to be released soon.)

Just like in his first album, in this new album most of the songs were composed by Baryo himself, such as “B’Chol Yom She’Yavoh“, which was composed by Baryo on the train to a concert in Manhattan. For the album many talented musicians joined the project from both Israel and America (Eli Laufer, Shimi Skaler, Avi Singolda, Barak Ben Tzur, Aryeh Berkovitz, Beni Laufer, Liran Alkobi, Sruli Weinberger, Motti Sharoni, Rami Rabbah, Itti Nagar, musicians from the IDF rabbinical orchestra, the Yedidim Choir, and others), but the majority of the album was arranged by Baryo himself.

The distribution of the album in Israel will be taken care of by the American Judaica company “Shenkis”, and all over the rest of the Jewish world by the group “Marom” from New York.
After 3 successful albums with big hits, Baryo plans to hold a special concert that will conclude 5 years of a successful career. Details forthcoming.
IY”H, Baryo will have his first interview for the album on the program “Motzash Chai” with Menachem Toker on Radio Kol Chai, as well as an interview with Nachum Segal on the Nachum Segal Network.

Click PLAY below to hear the album sampler

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  1. עמנואל חקשור
    עמנואל חקשור 17 August, 2014, 15:03

    עמנואל חקשור אני מאחל לאח שלי המון הצלחה בדיסק החדש מאחל עמנואל חקשור

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