Malchus Choir Releases “Ve’yiyu Rachamecho” Vocal Edition for Sefira

by yossi | April 23, 2014 3:45 pm

Pinchas Buchler‘s Malchus Choir opens the sefira season performing a vocal edition of the popular “Ve’yiyu Rachamecho” composed and originally performed by Eli Beer.
After the popular melody was recorded this past winter for a special performance, now the choir releases it to the public for Sefira.

Arrangement by: Pinchas Buchler
Performed by: Choir, Malchut
Soloists: Boruch and Moti Wiesel, Moishe Neilander and Zanvil Weinberger
Recorded in the studios of Michael Weinberger

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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