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Martin Widerker – Tzudik Greenwald – Ma Navu

Martin Widerker – Tzudik Greenwald – Ma Navu

Martin Widerker does not rest. He is still active and released a new single from his album “Shabbat Hamalka” which contains 50 Shabbat Songs. It’s an enchanting and moving melody from his work titled “Ma Navu” matching the words “How Pleasant On The mountains are the feet of the messenger of Hashem tidings, Proclaiming Peace, Proclaiming Good, Proclaiming Salvation: Saying To Zion, You God Reignes”.

The world-famous singer and cantor Tzudik Greewald was chosen to present this song, which astonishes in its powerful and touching performance. Menachem Bristowski was directing the musical arrangement, producer was Yochi Shimon and Yoni Tzur was responsible for the video.

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