Mashehu Gadol – Shai Diboh

by yossi | January 14, 2013 8:38 am

I had a dream about good days in which everybody loved, everybody was happy, and everybody felt responsible for one another.”

“We just need to remember that sometimes the air pours like the rain.”

Just like my belief about life in Israel, so too is my belief about how music is made. It has to come from a place of absolute truth, something magical even, and to be completely open to receive whatever comes to us in the individual paths of our lives.

In the past half-year a bunch of really talented people got together and put together this wonderful song.
These people include:

Ido Lederman-Bass
Ro’ei Lavi-Piano and Acoustic Guitar
Yaniv Zimmerman-Electric and Acoustic Guitars
Tony Dadoosh-Drums
Ronen Hallel-Production and Mixing

You will definitely recognize these musicians from their previous work in composing and working on songs for other artists and themselves. Through luck and a private and independent production company which cost no money because they believed in the cause they managed to produce this song for one purpose…the truth.
“We’re all different people from different backgrounds, but we’ve managed to find a common ground doing the thing that we love and speaking the language of music, which has the power to bring totally different people together.”

And now you have before you the first song born out of this relationship, “Mashehu Gadol”.
“I composed the words and the tune about a month and a half before the group got together, in a wondrous way. Just like they tell you that the intention of the soul is what makes up prayer, so too I believe was my soul’s intent when I wrote this song, after which I got this group together in that very room, and then after a magical night full of song we set out on our journey.”
We managed to perform in a few different places and even to introduce Ehud Banay in another amphitheater.
With great joy the community has wrapped us in their love and strength and here we present you the result.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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