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Mayer Rivkin – Moshiach & Redemption

Mayer Rivkin – Moshiach & Redemption

Redemption Cover Final

An inspirational journey of music and song by Chassidic vocalists Mayer Rivkin and his 13 year old son Mendel, transporting the listener to the ultimate destination…the long awaited era of Moshiach & Redemption.

The album features 13 meticulously chosen Chabad, together with other popular Jewish songs, all with added English lyrics, mostly written over the years by staff members of numerous Chabad-Lubavitch run camps, known as Camp Gan Israel.

Together, father and son entertain and inspire, with stirring as well as joyful songs of the Kabbalistic / Chassidic tradition, conveying the ongoing pain and tribulations of the Jewish exile, together with a strong message of faith and hope for the immediate redemption.

Included in the CD package, is a graphically attractive 16 page song booklet, with many explanations, translations and notes.

Fore more information, audio samples or to purchase please visit

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Mayer RivkinMoshiach &Redemption

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