Meir Adler & Ahrele Samet: “Vezoicher” in Honor of the Bar Mitzvah of the son of Aryeh Grunzweig

by yossi | October 2, 2013 1:50 pm

Meir Adler & Ahrele Samet released a new song “Vezoicher” on the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of the son of Aryeh Grunzweig.

Music: Meir Adler
Lyrics: Lipa Shmeltzer
Soloists: Meir Adler, Ahrele Samet
Music: Meir Adler
Vocal arrangements: Eli Sprei
Choir members: Yaacov Rotblat, Sinai Bermetz, Moti Rotler, Chaim Pluk, Moti Wiesel, Elie Sprei,
Recorded in studios Tenor – Michael Fleet
And recording technician: Chaim Gottesman

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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