Menachem Herman “SWEET HOME JERUSALEM” [Music Video]
Over two years ago world renown guitarist Menachem Herman released a album entitled “Sweet Home Jerusalem” featuring lyrics by Rabbi Lazer Brody and Steven Gasner. The internationally acclaimed Chassidic rock guitarist, singer and songwriter has combined all of his unique talents and transformed a much loved classic rock hit, into a highly relevant and moving anthem that confronts one of the most important issues relating to peace in Israel and for Jewry today.
Profound and Punchy Inspired by the 1974 Lynyrd Skynyrd hit of almost the same name, Sweet Home Jerusalem pulls no punches. The lyrics are both profound and punchy and have real meaning, and the tune itself is every bit as powerful and emotive today as it was when it was first penned.
Just last week Herman released a music video for the title track. Below is a letter from the artist.
We all want world peace. Jerusalem is the undisputed capital of the Jewish people and of the Jewish Homeland, Israel. The Jewish People give all mankind the privilege to freely visit their Holy sites both in Israel and in Jerusalem….let’s keep Jerusalem undivided and united for ALL mankind forever!
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