Mendy Werzberger – V’ani Tefilosi Now In Stores/Available to Download!

Mendy Werzberger, whose compositions and vocals have graced numerous songs over the year is FINALLY releasing his debut album V’ani Tefilosi. Mendy’s songs have been featured on albums by Piamenta, Yosef Chaim Shwekey, Yeedle and Mendy Wald, among others, and he has appeared not only at countless simchas but also on several albums and projects over the years including Unity for Justice, Copyright and Mendy Wald’s Echad Yachid U’Meyuchad.
As a child growing up in Toronto Mendy sang on several albums, but despite his mother’s persistent urging, he had no interest in recording a solo album. As time and life went by, music became an integral part of his life and Mendy soon found himself composing song after song. He began working on an album several years ago, and after sitting shiva for his mother, Blima bas R’ Chaim a’h this past summer, Mendy realized it was time to fulfill his mother’s dream by finishing the album, which is dedicated in her memory.
V’ani Tefilosi features eleven very diverse songs, ten of which are written by Mendy, some as solo compositions and others in conjunction with some of the biggest names in the Jewish music business including Yitzy Waldner, Yitzy Schwartz, Yanky Katina and Moshe Werzberger. The album also features the talents of Eli Lishinsky, Shai Bachar, Nir Graff, Yitzy Schwartz, Mona Rosenblum, Eli Laufer, Yitzy Spinner, Shloime Kaufman, Yoel Dikman, Avrumi Berko, Ruli Ezrachi and composer Sholy Brach.
Calling music “the language of the soul”, Mendy covers a wide range of musical styles, with compositions that are both cutting edge and timeless and he hopes that his singable, heartfelt songs will connect with people and inspire them. Mendy also donned the producer’s hat for this album in order to bring out the emotion and true essence of each and every song.
The album is in stores now and available for download on
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