Meydad Tasa With The Big Winter Hit “Avi U’malki”
“Avi U’malki” is the title of the new single (the second) from the talented young Mediterranean singer Meydad Tasa‘a upcoming album, his eighth.
The new album is expected to be released in the next few months.
“Avi U’malki” became an instant hit and is already being played at simchas.
The new single was written and composed by Sharon Avilchak and arranged Doron Elimelech
The song is about thanks, hope and faith and the jolting music penetrates straight to the soul.
The first single from the album was released just before Yom Kippur “Neshama” was written by Kabbalist Rabbi Iaks Ades, shlita.
Meydad Tasa began his career in music even as a child with the hits “Al Naharot Bavel”, “Ben Shel Melech” and, as now as a teenager continues the great success. Just six months ago he released his seventh album “Ata Melech” which included quite a few hits, Oy Na Lanu / Bachatuna / Al Tishaber / Kol Ma She’ani and many more.
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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