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Meydad Tasa with a chasidishe twist, NEW single “Besiyata Bishmaya”

Meydad Tasa with a chasidishe twist, NEW single “Besiyata Bishmaya”


“Besiyata Bishmaya” – repeat that song title over and over. Because it’s the song you hear all over the Jewish music world in the coming week. Meydad Tasa, is finishing up his latest album “Shimcha Hagadol”. Tasa released this latest single just in time for Succos and I think it will do very well at every simchas beis hashoeiva.

Meydad’s Ashkenazic pronunciation is perfect which makes one almost wonder about his Yemeni origin.

This masterpiece composition belongs to the one and only Eliezer Kalish, andYoeli Dickmann working.

Behind the scenes, of course, involved is Tasa’s producer Aviad Gil sign with both hands on Tessa’s meteoric success.

For those who lover Meydad’s Easter style music, don’t worry,  he plans to have an album packed with his usaual flare and style.

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Tags assigned to this article:
Besiyata BishmayaMeydad TasaShimcha Hagadol

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1 comment

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  1. zee pee
    zee pee 21 September, 2010, 11:06

    this is something nice & original would never believe that meydad can do this!!
    sounds like a געבוירענע חסיד

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