by yossi | August 5, 2015 7:15 am
There are those who recognize the song “Todah” as one of the songs from the first album of Roi Yadid, but Roi and his promotion manager Noam Chait felt that the song Todah which was composed by Yishai Ribo while he was still in Yeshiva, still hadn’t managed to fulfill its tremendous potential. Therefore, they turned to arranger and radio personality Nir Sayag, who made an incredible remix for the song and brought Meydad Tasa into the arrangement. Noam went to Aviad Gil, Meydad’s manager, who saw the hidden potential in the song, and thus was born a truly brand new song!
This song is a single in anticipation of the upcoming new album of Roi Yadid, due out IY”H after the Chagim.
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