Meydad Tassah Acappella Single – Adon Olam

During these days of s’fira guitarists, drummers and anyone who has family in a musical instrument or another takes a break from their otherwise hectic year..
This is the time for vocal tracks or Acappella. Huvacali. The internet is flooded with dozens of acappella tracks and singles but this one is different. “Adon Olam” is already a very popular song off of Meydad’s latest album “Ben Shel Melech”, and now he’s doing kind of a comeback – a cappella band, with the notes.
When you first hear the song, you would swear that the opening the song is a real trumpet. But Aviad Gil, Tessa’s producer assured us that it’s natural human voice with a little computer processing. Pure genius. Enjoy the song below.
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