Micha Gamerman III – A Child of Hashem/Shom Timtzoiehu!
Brazilian superstar Micha Gamerman is giving music fans the best Chanukah gift ever, a brand new album. The new album titled “A Child of Hashem/Shom Timtzoeihu” features some amazing new songs that are sure to become household favorites. Micha’s new album include hits from the best composers in the business including; Yitzy Walder, Elie Schwab, Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry, Moshe Laufer, Eli Laufer, Mordechai Brezel and even Micha’s own brother Yoni Gamerman. With so many music styles to choose from, everyone is sure to have a favorite song on this album.
Download A Child of Hashem/Shom Timtzoeihu today!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/a-child-of-hashem/1321219171
MostlyMusic: https://mostlymusic.com/collections/featured-music/products/micha-gamerman-iii-a-child-of-hashem
Visit our website: http://michagmusic.com/br
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