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Moishy Schwartz & Dovy Meisles With a Beautiful New Song: “Zechus Avos”

Moishy Schwartz & Dovy Meisles With a Beautiful New Song: “Zechus Avos”

Introducing “Zechus Avos“, a beautiful soulful new song by Moishy Schwartz & Dovy Meisles

This beautiful melody is released in honor of the Hachnasas Sefer Torah ceremony, dedicated by Chaim Avrum Brach in memory of his illustrious zeide, Reb Hertzkala Ratzferter z”l.

Join us in celebrating this joyous event, taking place in Ratzfert close to Erev Yom Kippur, the day of Reb Hertzkala’s Yurtzeit, a time when countless Yidden gather at the Ratzfert’ers Tzion to daven for the new year.

“Zechus Avos” is a connection to the legacy of the Poiel Yeshous Reb Hetzkala z”l, who brought and continues to bring a lot of light to this world. May this song inspire you to tap into the Zechusim of our Avos!

I Would Like To Thank Hashem For Helping With Every Step Of The Way.

A Naftali Schnitzler Production


Song Composed: Moishy Schwartz 

Performed: Moishy Schwartz & Dovy Meisels

Song concept and Inspired: Yossi Rubin

Music Arranged: Naftali Schnitzler 

Post Production: Avrumy Lunger 

Choir: Neshama Choir

Vocal Production: Naftali Schnitzler & Mendy Fekete

Mixed: Avrumy Lunger 

Mastered: Aran Levi

Cover: Avrumi Silverstein 

Video: Intech Media 

Media Management: Moishe Deitsch

Digital Marketing: Motty Klein @MusicOnTime

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