Moments Before His Chuppah: Singer Chaim Horowitz With A Brand New Release – Ach Toiv!

Music has a way of bringing us closer to Hashem, and Ach Toiv is a collection of songs that speak to my heart—melodies that have moved me and that I hope others can connect to as well. These songs remind us to trust in his kindness and recognize the endless goodness he gives us. With a simple and heartfelt vibe, this video is something to sit back and truly enjoy.
May we always be surrounded by only goodness—Ach Toiv.
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Performed by: Chaim Horowitz
Project Management: SolBlum
Music Produced by: Yanki Steinmetz
Backup vocals: Yanki Steinmetz & Nussy Teitelbaum
Recorded at: Dididum Studios
Mix & Master: Lipa Brauner
Video Production: Double Clap Studios
Cover Design: VigiGee
Marketing: SolBlum
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