Mordechai Roth – Lecha Mechakim
This song is the fifth single released by therapist and composer Reb Mordechai Roth. In this song titled Lecha Mechakim, Roth tells how he came about to write and compose the song.
“I had a guy about twenty years ago, he told about deep spiritually falls, he cried to me and told me how these falls can be so hard for him, in spirituality. He wished that the Holy One, blessed be He, would give him some love and bring me to him to help me.” Late that night, I grabbed my guitar and the song just came to me.
This song expresses the cry of the soul, crying out to our Father in heaven, to bring us closer to him, just give me a little love of Hashem and you’ll see how I will run after you.
It is known that one of the righteous said, Hashem will only help you if you remove your evil inclination from Israel, you will see what good and holy Jews you have.
The midrash describes the argument between Hashem and the Beni Yisroel in the matter of Tshuva: “The Knesset of Israel said before Hashem, it is in Your hand, return us. Hashem answered, it is in YOUR hands.” (Malachi 3:71) שובו אלי ואשובה אליכם נאום ה׳, The Holy One, blessed be He, is in your hand, as it is stated (Tehillim 54): “שובנו אלהי ישענו, לכך נאמר השיבנו ה׳ אליך ונשובה”
Sometimes I meet Jews who are so hard to cope with. In particular in our generation we then literally your soul cries out We replied and returned Father will bring us closer We owe you We can no longer be answered and returned.
What did we ask for, a little love, and then you’ll see that we’re all yours, we’ll wake you up and run.
Lyrics: Mordechai Roth.
composition: Mordechai Roth
Photo processing and editing: Reuven Hayoun
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