Mordy Aisenstark Releases His Debut Single “Keili Keili”

Anyone growing up in the 90’s-2000’s knows of Montreal composer Yo Aisenstark. Besides for his work on Montreal’s popular Shalheves Boys Choir along with his brother Binyomin Aisenstark and of course his ever growing band Shearim, Yo also released an album with some extremely talented friends in early 2001 titled Shearim. However, most Jewish music fan recognize the Aisenstark name from the golden classic Tov L’hodos which was released by popular singer Avrumi Flamm and is sung far and wide at kumitzen and shabbos tables.
Its seems the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree at all. Yo‘s 19 year old son Mordy just released his first single titled “Keili Keili.” Music has long been an integral part of Mordy‘s life. He composed this song in his dorm room a couple of days before Purim as he was thinking of the words “Va’anoichi Haster Aster” and how they are connected to the Purim story. Later, Aisenstark chose the words “Keili Leili Lama Azavtani” because of how they bring out the message of the low part of the song. Its a beautiful haunting melody about how we are anxiously awaiting for the Geula to come and for Hashem to reveal himself to us. For though it might seem that his has abandoned us, we know that someday he will come out of hiding and we won’t have to beseech him anymore saying “Keili Keili Lamah Azavtani.”
Click PLAY below to hear the song. Download “Keili Keili” FREE by clicking HERE
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