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Moshe Laufer Releases the Second Single From David Simcha

Moshe Laufer Releases the Second Single From David Simcha

We first introduced newcomer from France David Simcha to you back in December with the release of his debut single “Hein Goalti“. Now David is back with his second single to start off the post Tisha Bav music season, and the song is already being hailed as the hit of the summer. “Ani Maamin” is another masterpiece from the great arranger and composer Moshe Laufer who is producing Simcha’s debut album which will be released in the coming months.

As mentioned, this new song was composed and arranged by the legendary Moshe Laufer, the auditory processing and the choir was conducted by Eli Laufer, recorded by Shmuel Yonah and mixed by one of the greatest sound technicians and mixmasters Ilya Lashinsky of New York.

Physical CD’s of the single will be released in Israel tomorrow, and will be distributed free throughout the country.

Lyrics: “אני מאמין באמונה שלמה שהבורא יתברך שמו, הוא לבדו אלוקינו, היה הווה ויהיה”.

Click PLAY below to hear the single & click HERE for the leadsheets

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1 comment

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  1. tito
    tito 8 October, 2013, 14:48

    YHWH te bendiga chaver David y atodo el equipo que trabaja en ese maravilloso trabajo B.H. Brachot desde sud américa Brasil. deseo tener el CD completo. Shalom.

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