New Music Video: Simche Friedman & Ami Cohen “Hakhel”!

Only two months have passed since chasidic singer Simche Friedman‘s hit “Bo Lepo” came out, and now a new, chasidic music video is coming out today in honor of “Zman Simchoseinu”!
On the occasion of the Sukkot holiday of the year of ‘Hakhel‘ תשפ”ג, chasidic singer Simche Friedman and the musician Ami Cohen are renewing the song “Hakhel” which they released together in an acoustic version 7 years ago in the previous year of ‘Hakhel‘ תשע”ו.
The original song received a renewed, electronic and up-to-date arrangement, which will suit the ears of the year 2022, combining musical motifs from the previous arrangement. The musicians and arrangers Shmuel Yefet and Ami Cohen are jointly responsible for the arrangement.
Along with the renewed song, a music video full of energy, colorful and lively is also released, which was directed and edited by Sruli Broncher and photographed by Yitzchak Kelman.
And in case you ask yourself: “What is ‘Hakhel'”?
Once every 7 years, at the end of the Shmita year on Sukkot, a special event would take place in Beis Hamikdash, to which all the people of Israel would come – “אנשים, נשים וטף”.
During the ‘Hakhel’, the King of Israel would stand on the ‘Bima’ of the ‘Azara’, read the Torah and then also explain the things to the audience.
The goal was to unite the people, to awaken them to the fear and love of Hashem and to become stronger in keeping the mitzvot.
As then, even today it is possible to make a ‘Zecher’ for the mitzva of ‘Hakhel’: to gather together, unite and stir the hearts of the people of Israel out of joy.
This is exactly what Simche is trying to do in the new music video!
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