Musical Misloach Manos from Aaron Razel 2012 edition

by yossi | February 23, 2012 2:40 pm

Every year, when Adar approaches, friends of Aaron Razel know that within a few days they will each receive a musical Misloach Manos from him. Each year, Razel puts all his other projects on hold in order to send out a new song for FREE “to increase the joy of Purim”.

“It all began with one song that I recorded and gave to neighbors as mishloach manos,” says Aaron. Since then Razel has accumulated ten songs for Adar, and is now producing a CD collection of them. Now, even those who are not friends with Razel, along with the whole world, can enjoy his Divrei Shir.
The first song was called “Ata Oseh SheTehey Yehudi”, or simply “Oseh SheTehey Yehudi.”

Another song in the Misloach Manos (Manos is plural which means two) is a new song from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach was not recorded before, but it was found on a rare and dusty cassette tape…

Click PLAY below to hear the Purim song

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Click PLAY below to hear the Carlebach Song

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