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Nachman Baumel – Ein Etzev

Nachman Baumel – Ein Etzev

Anyone who has been around in the past year in the Chassidish wedding scene, has definitely heard the name Nachman Baumel. His first single is called Ein Etzev, based on the words of the Chazon Ish. This amazing song was produced by the talented Sruli Broncher.

Arranged & produced by: Sruli
Lyrics: Igros Chazon Ish
Music: Sruli Broncher
Vocals: Yonatan L’ebron
Mix: Eli Klein
Recorded in studios tenor – Michael Fleet
Photo: Talia Kanter
Cover Design: Yossi Levy

Tags assigned to this article:
Ein EtzevNachman BaumelSruli Broncher

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