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The journey of life is full of constant evolving moments: highs and not-as-highs, joyful and less joyful times, clearer and less-clear decisions. I wrote this song to remind us how The Creator of the world oversees every single occurrence, down to the last detail, and is always arranging it for our best. Even when it’s difficult to see, even if we stumble, and even when we think our human brain knows more than The One who created man, we can always use our privilege and tap into pure faith for happiness and comfort. We do not control the world, but we do control our will to try our best, to believe in Him, and to make Him proud. May we be blessed to inscribe our minds with the awareness that He is ALWAYS here. You are so special, please don’t ever ever ever give up! Lechaim.

With all my heart,

Produced/arranged/Mixed: Naftali Blumenthal @ ASAP PRODUCTIONS ( /



My child I wish that you would see
Ive got infinite love for you
I know what you’ve done and what you ever will
And forever I’d still choose you

Even if the world’s going out of control
You forget me and depend on man alone
My kindness never dissipates
Again and again this is what I say

Yeah I know you doubt Me sometimes
And that’s alright cuz I hide
The next you’re feeling fear
Remember that I’m always here
Every finger that is lifted
Is with only My permission
I only want what’s for your best
So put your faith in My loving hands

You study My words and and live by them
Yeah, you make me proud
There are challenges but you trudge through
And I always notice how

You try your very best to have self control
You see the wicked rise and you wanna know
The meaning of My secret ways
And you still believe Me when I say

Yeah I know you doubt Me sometimes
And that’s alright cuz I hide
The next time you’re feeling fear
Remember that I’m always here
Every finger that is lifted
Is with only My permission
I only want what’s for your best
So put your faith in My loving hands


Yeah I know you doubt Me sometimes
And that’s alright cuz I hide
The next time you’re feeling fear
Remember that I’m always here
Every finger that is lifted
Is with only My permission
I only want what’s for your best
So put your faith in My loving hands

Yeah I know you doubt Me sometimes
And that’s alright cuz I hide
The next time you’re feeling fear
Remember that I’m always here
Every finger that is lifted
Is with only My permission
I only want what’s for your best
So put your faith in My loving hands

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I'm Always HereNaftali Blumenthal

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