Naftali Kempeh At A Festive Chanukah Show & Album Release Concert “Ke’malach”

by yossi | December 2, 2021 1:22 pm

Shalom Vagshal and Kol Chai present

Naftali Kempeh in a festive Chanukah show and the album release concert “Ke’malach”.

Guests Yishai Ribo, a special guest from the USA Shmueli Unger.

Conducted by maestro Yehuda Galili and his extended orchestra.

Sunday is Chanukah 5/12 A. Tevet Eighth candle of Hanukkah “Binyanei HaUma”
Audience entry 21:30

100 tickets with a special 20% discount on the attached link

In light of the requests we received, we opened a special area for women with complete separation, including separate entrances and exits and entrances.

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