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Nati Levin Jumps Into The Sukkah: “Ulu Ushpizin”

Nati Levin Jumps Into The Sukkah: “Ulu Ushpizin”

Singer Nati Levin comes out with a particularly rhythmic single for the upcoming Sukkot holiday, “Ulu Ushpizin” composed by Elchanan Elchadad to the words from the Seder Ushpizin, which invites the Ushpizin to the Sukkah with a happy and bouncy melody, arranged by Amon Shmuel Cohen.

Levin, appearing at events and weddings, had time to release the songs ‘Mi La’Hashem Elai,’ ‘Nor In Hashem‘ and also ‘Kol Hamesameach‘ which is played at almost every wedding.

Lyrics: Ushpizin
Composer: Elchanan Elchadad
Musical arrangement and production: Shmuel Cohen

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